Tuesday, December 25, 2012

South Pacific, eastern shore.

Wednesday Dec 12/Thursday Dec 13

Still need to straighten out my Photobucket mess. Here's some unorganized images.

I considered heading back up through the mountains on my way back but the beaches and surf compelled otherwise.
Actually when I was down in Carate I was talking to the guide about the area and mentioned my thoughts that Domincal sure seemed like it would be a good stopping point. He laughed and agreed, saying yeah, "Dominical is exactly what it seems to be." What Dominical seems to be (and is) is an extremely low key surf destination.  I planned on taking my time heading back to Saint Joe and this was my first stop. Not a whole lot else to add about this place other than Dominical has feel of an old school surf camp. Lots of Americans but a lot of local surfers too. The best internet connection I found is at the San Clemente bar.

Next stop along the way was Jaco (pronounced "Hock-oh") Jaco is more of an actual town with a paved center street, businesses, etc. San Hermosa beach (south of there)  was the beach/surf area that I spent time at. No facilities to speak of or anything. Just a long dirt road, some condos and the beach. Surfers too, of course. It still had that completely low key vibe that I had been expecting to find have leaving San Isidro and finding in abundance.

Next stop, San Jose.

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